Luke Penny
Executive Minister

I was born and raised in the Dallas area, most of that time being in McKinney, TX. Growing up, I never knew I was in need of a savior because I assumed I could save myself by being a good enough person. It wasn’t until the end of high school when the Lord began to soften my heart to the gospel. He used a pretty girl (now my wife) to model what a genuine love for God looked like. During this time I realized that there was nothing I could do to earn a right relationship with God, but rather it was only possible by His grace and compassion.

I am a graduate of Dallas Baptist University and prior to Eastside I served on staff at The Village Church. In 2018 I married my high school sweetheart, Kendall. We have two sons, Benjamin and Reed. We love being apart of all that the Lord is doing in this community and have a deep love for the people of Eastside.

My hope for Eastside is that we would be a people on mission who beautifully reflect the love of Jesus Christ to all people.