Kaiden Johnson
Local & Global Missions Minister


I am a native West Texan, having grown up in the small town of Snyder. I accepted Jesus in middle school but struggled to understand what it looked like to live like a follower of Christ. It was not until I arrived at Baylor University that God gave me my first real taste of biblical community. The Lord was exceedingly kind to me in that season to surround me with faithful men who encouraged me and shepherded me in the ways of the gospel. 

After completing my degree in International Studies and Economics, I moved to Dallas to be equipped with a leadership program at a local church. I worked in under-resourced communities here in Dallas and grew a deep love for the church and its role in the mission of God. Before joining Eastside staff I worked in Church Engagement at Buckner International, inviting churches into the ministry of caring for vulnerable children and families.

This opportunity propelled me into my current role as I was able to see the impact churches can have when they seek to be advocates for justice and ministers of reconciliation.

Apart from following Jesus, my greatest privilege is being married to Ashley. We have been married since 2022 and we love being a part of the East Dallas community. Together we enjoy spending time outside, reading, traveling, and gardening. I am passionate about the Baylor Bears, the San Antonio Spurs, geography, poverty alleviation, and understanding other cultures. 

My hope for Eastside is that we would be so compelled by the good news of the gospel that we would seek to take it to every tribe, tongue, and nation - here in Dallas and around the world.